Sunday, November 4, 2007

First Week of Field

First day of field work was on Wednesday, October 31. I had a lot of fun this day because Halloween my favorite holiday. I didn't get to dress up because the principal let the students dress up only for the parade...sadness. Anyway we just observed this day, but the teacher Mrs. Lindsay asked if we would be ready to teach on Friday! I was a little scared, but I would do it. I went home and studied up on Greek Gods and Goddesses so I would be ready....
On Friday was the day I taught, I was nervous but so ready to just get up there and teach. I must say I think I did a great job and so did Jenny! It was such a rush and I realized that YES I am supposed to be doing this, be a teacher. I love doing it so much. I love the look on children's/students faces when they are interested in what I have to teach. I love that they participate and add to the discussion. I loved every second of it.
Now, on Monday, I get to teach by myself on the Greek Wars. I am also studying up on that subject so I know what the wars were, what and how I can teach the students about the wars. I will for surely let you all know how it goes.
I hope everyone is having a good time in field and things are going well!


Jen said...

Hey April!
Good job on jumping in and teaching so soon into field. It sounds like things went well and I'm sure you will do fablous tomorrow! I'm glad you're having a good time out there! keep up the good work I'll see you soon!

Alene said...

Good job April I am glad everything is going well. It was a fun first week, we start our teaching this week. Things are going good. I can't believe how fast it is going by. Keep up the great work.

Angela said...

That's awesome about your first teaching day!!! I am sure you did fine today! You are going to be a good teacher!!! It is good to hear that you are learning all about the subject. That will help if they ask questions!!

Taush said...

Hey April!
I just wanted to tell you good job! We only have a few days left, can you believe it, time goes by so fast! Everything sounds like it is going well, I'm proud of you! Keep up the amazing work!